The treasurer holds the chapter funds in trust. It is his responsibility to keep accurate financial records and to offer sound financial advice to the chapter board. The treasurer should be organized, detail-minded and have a rudimentary knowledge of bookkeeping practices.
The treasurer must keep up-to-date records, in clearly understandable form, of all income and expenditures. He should collaborate with the chapter secretary, officers and chapter committee members in the collection of all money. In addition, he should indicate on his records, under various classifications, who, what, where, when, why and how money is used.
The main duties of the treasurer are to:
? Function as an active, voting, chapter board member
? Prepare, in conjunction with the president & the other officers, an anticipated chapter income and expense budget for the year.
? Keep an accurate set of financial records.
? Pay all bills promptly on receipt of billing from the Society office, district or other businesses.
? Prepare monthly reports of cash receipts and disbursements.
? Prepare and file on behalf of the chapter governmental, regulatory and tax returns and forms.
? Present financial records to the chapter financial review committee for annual review as required by the Society.
? Submit treasurer's report to chapter board, usually at each board meeting (or as requested).
? Offer advice and make recommendations to the board regarding financial matters.
? Perform such other financial assistance to the chapter as required.
? Attend the District Leadership Academy
? Work closely with the secretary to collect chapter dues (Canadian chapters only.)
More details about this position