An RSS feed (or news feed) is a means by which you can stay informed about what's going on at The Choo Choo Chorus without having to regularly visit the website.
To make use of an RSS feed, you need some "feed reader" (or "aggregator") software. Most modern web browsers have feed readers built in.
The RSS feeds for The Choo Choo Chorus are listed below...
The chapter president is, in essence, the chapter chief executive officer who is responsible for leading and ensuring the chapter carries out its mission. The Barbershop Harmony Society and the district rely on the chapter President as one of the primary contacts and communication links between the Society, District and Chapter.
The chapter president is:
? An active, voting (in cases of a tie), chapter board member
? The head of the chapter leadership team
? Responsible for the planning and chair at all chapter board and member meetings
? Accountable for directing the establishment of the chapter’s mission statement, and supporting the goals and objectives to ensure consistency with the organization’s objectives and purpose.
? Knowledgeable of the ongoing duties and progress of all Board members
? Responsible for appointing committee chairs and committees as the Standard Chapter Bylaws and chapter rules, regulations and policy calls for.
? A member of all committees and teams of the chapter (except for the Nominating Committee)
? Accountable for following up with each Board member to ensure that all projects, goals and initiatives within that officer’s portfolio are being “worked” and will meet the agreed upon deadlines.
? Responsible for evaluating the performance of the leadership team and take steps to correct any noted weaknesses.
? Charged with the responsibility (along with the board) to assess progress of the chapter’s annual plan and budget progress during the year and revise the plan as necessary, and ensure that all necessary forms are filed and monies correctly disbursed.
? Responsible to ensure that a weekly program of chapter activities is developed and carried out.
? Asked to serve as, or assign, the elected chapter delegate to the District House of Delegates (HOD)
? Responsible for attending any scheduled training or education related to Chapter administration and advancement.
The chapter secretary is, in essence, a chapter business manager who keeps the chapter organized and current in correspondence, report filing and all paperwork related to the operations of the chapter. The Society and district also rely on the chapter secretary as a primary contact & communication link between the Society, District and Chapter.
The chapter secretary:
? Is an active, voting, chapter board member
? Maintains accurate membership records, including submission of new member applications and ensuring through the Member Center that all member information is current and accurate.
? Reports new chapter officers & leaders by updating their chapter Member Center profile. Once updated, this information is then supplied to the district and society officers.
? Reports chapter filings, in cooperation with Chapter Treasurer in chapter Member Center profile.
? Takes all meeting minutes, including any special or non-scheduled board meetings and annual chapter meetings at which election of officers takes place, etc.
? Files for show clearances [BMI/SESAC (for U.S. Chapters) or SOCAN (for Canada) Forms] with the District Secretary as needed. Also, U.S. Chapters submit ASCAP forms annually to the District Secretary.
? When needed, orders chapter supplies.
? Reports to the Society offices when a member of their chapter passes away, by e-mailing (preferred) or calling Society HQ.
? Maintains chapter legal files including:
? Standard Chapter Bylaws
? Chapter rules & regulations (if necessary)
? Original Chapter License & Charter
? Copies of Insurance Certificates
? Copies of BMI/SESAC and ASCAP filings (U.S. Chapters).
? Copies of Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) filings
? State or Provincial incorporation documents.
? Copies of completed Youth Membership and/or Participation Forms completed by parents or guardians.
? Attends the District Leadership Academy
The treasurer holds the chapter funds in trust. It is his responsibility to keep accurate financial records and to offer sound financial advice to the chapter board. The treasurer should be organized, detail-minded and have a rudimentary knowledge of bookkeeping practices.
The treasurer must keep up-to-date records, in clearly understandable form, of all income and expenditures. He should collaborate with the chapter secretary, officers and chapter committee members in the collection of all money. In addition, he should indicate on his records, under various classifications, who, what, where, when, why and how money is used.
The main duties of the treasurer are to:
? Function as an active, voting, chapter board member
? Prepare, in conjunction with the president & the other officers, an anticipated chapter income and expense budget for the year.
? Keep an accurate set of financial records.
? Pay all bills promptly on receipt of billing from the Society office, district or other businesses.
? Prepare monthly reports of cash receipts and disbursements.
? Prepare and file on behalf of the chapter governmental, regulatory and tax returns and forms.
? Present financial records to the chapter financial review committee for annual review as required by the Society.
? Submit treasurer's report to chapter board, usually at each board meeting (or as requested).
? Offer advice and make recommendations to the board regarding financial matters.
? Perform such other financial assistance to the chapter as required.
? Attend the District Leadership Academy
? Work closely with the secretary to collect chapter dues (Canadian chapters only.)